DAGAIZM #quack deviantart.com

I think all that idea of vaccination for flu is an invasion on humans!
If already do it,why they didn't think about attacking the main part of the virus imediately?

We have natural plants that take care very effectively off eny tipe of flu every year for milions of years!!!
Have You ever heared of GARLIC and SAGE,THYMUS,ONION,GINGER and HONEY?
Try these things and You will never even think of going to get Yourself pinched with someone elses virus!!!,cause that what it is - vaccination is injecting bit of the sickness in to Your sisteme and hoping that the body will be able to cope with it,but if not,than You just get extra sick!
I'm angry with the people,who are to lazy to carry a coat with them to not get cold,or they are to ashamed to eat row garlic,cause of the smell, to bussy to make an infusion /herbal tea from sage with thyme and mint or ginger, sweeten with honey which is ANTYSEPTIC!
They just go get a shot with sickness in it and go to them work to spread it around!!!

I didn't vaccinate my children at all for any of those sicnesses,that most of them are still alive only thanks to this vaccinations,kept alive artifitially in laboratories!

One more thing is that natural remedies are repressed by doctors for centuries! Bussines is bussines! If the people heal them selfs with garlic and sage than the doctors won't make any money on that!!! What You think,why there was the whole "whitch hunt"?! - That was the begining of medicinal industry! That instead of healing people,make sure,they will come back for more,so the income of the doctors will be asecured life long! Them life,not Yours,Yours dus not matter to them!



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