I have noticed lately that a lot of foids have some sort of disgust against slavs (mainly Poles) am i the only one seeing this for some reason?
Its fucking great that just because of my ethnicity alone, im being treated like shit and being seen as a joke not to mention that foids find me disgusting while their pussy gets wet over some Anglo colonizer
I could prove that i have German ancestry to these western cucks but they will just laugh at it, i would even get bullied for my ethnicity or hear these stupid stereotypes often JFL i fucking hate this shit
As for slavic foids themselves, they also prefer the Anglo colonizer dick because why else do you see so many Anglo cucks with slavic foids? I can show you countless examples which shows that this isn't even about Just Be White at this point, its more like Just Be A West cuck
I suppose the reasons for this is because many slavs are just ugly and foids just think they are less status, well the whole western world thinks that way not to mention i have seen a tiktok video of a foid making fun of slavs getting murdered by the nazi's, this is how i am viewed as by foids
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