When you visited me today, you told me to go to "the nude site" (r/normalnudes). You showed and compared me to pictures of other women to "motivate" me to lose weight. Pointed at Stacies that were obviously Genetic Lottery winners, telling me that I'd never look like them, nor do I deserve it. You grabbed my phone, noticed that I consumed 1500 calories the previous day, called me out for stuffing my face. When I started crying, you called me out for being "jealous" of the women you showed me and told me that I'm not working hard enough at all. That a woman should spend a few hours per day taking care of her looks - either by going to the gym, picking clothes or putting on make-up. You said that, after working out for a month, changes to my body should be visible.
They say men are the ones most harsh and judging when it comes to lookism. Turns out, women can be just as cruel. How can a 28 year old woman say such things to her own SISTER? Stacy, you're lucky that I had enough self-control not to grab my knife that was in my backpack and cut off your tits. Cut up your perfect face, leaving scars that would make you a femcel for the rest of your miserable life. I wonder how your husband would take it, seeing you as a disgusting monster? How you'd maintain your orbiters?
You said that I'm jealous. That I act like an animal. How am I even supposed to avoid being jealous? When I am constantly surrounded by Stacies like you. When you compare me to other women on the internet, as if you were some sort of pervert. You're lucky that you're my mother's "golden child". That I'd be in the streets if I tried to kick you out of the house. I really hope that you hit the wall hard. That after that, you'll finally learn what it's like to experience lookism first hand. When all of your orbiters will disappear and your husband will dump you for a new, younger spermbag.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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