various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Dictatorship is inevitable.

Both sides want it, though they want their own form of it.

The only real question is whether the coming dictatorship will serve Aryan interests, or jewish.

But here's the thing: Dictatorship is like a tourniquet, it's only necessary in the most extreme emergencies, and only applied for the shortest amount of time possible. Dictatorship is not a long-term solution. Long-term it can only lead to complete death of the people its trying to save.

The sole purpose of dictatorship should be to secure the existence of one's people and their future generations. Beyond that, it should serve to bring about an era of self-governance, where the people require as little government control as possible.

Aryan peoples require freedom, true freedom - intellectual freedom, creative freedom, philosophical freedom, spiritual freedom. Without freedom, the Aryan grows sick and dies. Freedom is our sunlight. Anything less than freedom is imprisonment.

( @TheNationalEagle )
@Nature_and_Race I believe one day God will send a man of His and Hitler’s wisdom to deliver our Aryan folk from the hands of the jew!

( @PoisonDartPepe )
@Nature_and_Race there will never be a return to liberalism within our lifetimes once it finally dies, and it's not even a desirable thing to return to considering what a mess it made everywhere. White-land ideology is obsolete for dealing with diversity demographics who never believed in it and aren't going to anytime soon.

( @Charlesalb777 )
@Nature_and_Race Dictatorship are better choice many times because freedom of choice doesn't exist, it just a illusion.

With a dictator like Hitler, then we don't need democracy.



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