I’m now convinced these protests are to get him re-elected.
There’s no crazy left or conservative right, only one agenda and both sides are on the same team.
They are using reverse psychology as they did to get him elected the first time.
The actions of the “left” are so insane, that even blacks will vote for Trump en masse, even more than in 2016.
It’s not a coincidence that something similar happened with blacks and the police in 2016 which helped get Trump elected.
The “defund the police” movement is to increase the power of the police and military in the US. Again, reverse psychology.
I think Trump will be re-elected, Covid-19 and the anti-white insanity will get worse and Trump will be given dictatorial powers like Orban in Hungary.
As always, you are free to disagree.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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