If you believe Democrats won't weaponize red flag laws against conservatives, then you're an idiot who ignored Democrats weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, OSHA, Dept of ED, IRS, DHS, & HHS against conservatives because they're conservatives.
Is it "because they're conservatives" or because "they're more likely to use violence to further their desires and/or goals"?
And looking it over more carefully, weaponizing OSHA? By making sure conservatives can't harm workers? Making sure conservatives enable children to have a good education with the department of education? Making sure conservatives pay their taxes properly with the IRS? Making sure conservatives obey the law with the DOJ amd FBI?
What fuckers.
So, if we disarm thirty liberals or independants nationwide, due to Red Flag, Liz will claim the Democrats are arming up to shoot Conservatives.
If we disarm 5 Conservatives over the same time, for the same reasons, she’ll say we are targeting Consevatives and violating their constitutional rights.
…meanwhile: and before Bozo the Boozy Parties Hypocrite Clown, during Theresa May Not's administration: neo-Nazi National Action officially declared terrorists; arrests made. Right now, the founder of NA jailed for over eight years: National Action dead. What was left of the extreme right, National Front, BNP & EDL, UKRAP: dead. As far as you of the white right - ‘Conservatives' - are concerned, Blue flag laws have done for them.
The Blue flag of the Conservative Party here in Britain: anti-white rightism - Conservatives - to you weaponised against them. And quietly & without fuss: only revealed to the public once they're convicted & jailed. And by the following:
MI6. GCHQ. Our tax pounds at work.
They share relevant info with the likes of the FBI, DHS, even CIA & NSA: the ‘Special Relationship' and all that counterterrorism jazz; both foreign and domestic . So:
What say you, Lizziepoos…?!
That’s the problem with “law and order” conservatives these days (at least in the US, not sure about elsewhere). They don’t understand law (both what specific laws exist and how laws work), and their “order” is not one supported by existing laws.
Of course thanks to decades of blocking liberals and moderates from Federal Court appointments and the balance of the Supreme court shifting to having 5 Federalist Society members thanks to Trump, they’re working on changing the laws to what they think it should be (which is not always the same as to the way they think it should work, because again, they don’t understand law).
The 19th Amendment is about to be weaponised in the coming midterms:
When women vote against those who denied them of their RvW rights.
Don't say you weren't warned, o Repubicans...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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