Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie

Part 2 of 3

Where we ended in Part 1:

So without a belief in evolution, research for the cure for cancer will cease? This kind of faulty logic is likely the result of accepting naturalistic explanations for our origins.

To continue:

More than that, Kopplin was really saying that he was against critical thinking in the science classroom. His desire was to prevent students from being exposed to any alternative to evolution. But if evolutionary ideas have so much scientific support, then why work so hard to exclude any other ideas about our origins? Allowing an examination of creationist and evolutionary ideas about the history of the universe would only make evolutionary ideas more popular if it was so obvious that they were confirmed by operational science. Actually, evolutionists want legislation to protect their teaching of evolution, because they know that if students were allowed to critically analyze the evidence, they would begin to question the molecules-to-man evolutionary belief.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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