Various Incels #sexist #racist #transphobia
RE: [JFL] IT cuckold from Facebook telling us to love ourselves we're not ugly forever!
(insanus virginem)
to this day, the most accurate portrayal of my own transgender psychosis i've ever seen was in Silence of the Lambs. as a teenager, i would compulsively draw dismembered female bodies. i was obsessed with the female form, desperately recreating it over and over, imagining myself living inside that skin. and then my shame would lead me to ritualistically dismember that body on the page, piece by piece, with me still inside it.
IT nigger is a mentally ill tranny, figures. BTW trannies and faggots in general have not been the "oppressed" class for at least 20 years so just lol at this fagget. The average trannyfaggot has a much easier time at getting laid than we do
Still, there are a lot of trannies who have it real hard. It is not that much better, believe me. You have to really (at least almost) pass as cis to do good.
Jesus fucking christ. That thing will kill some femoid someday, if it hasn't killed yet.
This Also good signature, like I've also pointed out masculinity has been feminized, so all these incels going around the forum complaining about "not feeling loved" and that "they'd refuse sex if they thought the woman didn't love them for them" are just indoctrinated men raised with a culture of feminized masculinity, what a woman thinks of you doesn't matter, what you can get from her does
Reminder that these abominations are the "sensible" ones JFL.
niggas really get high on estrogen, cut off their dick and obsess with dismembering foids and then go and tell us we're violent psychopaths who need to be locked up for using mean words like "foid" or "tranny"
As a teenager, I was obsessed with the female form, too. But I was jerking off from it, I wasn't imagining dismembering it. But I guess I'm the deranged one, right ?