Federale #racist vdare.com

EXPEL THE BARBARIAN! —Why Does Japan Put Up With Expatriate Hack Julian Ryall, Who Campaigns To Destroy It With Mass Immigration?

Is Rachel on Ryall's speed dial? How did he find her? Why must the Japanese listen to a random black American's complaints about her hard life in Japan? If Japan is so bad, why did she stay most of her life?

She isn’t even a hafuu, half-Japanese, half alien, like the girl in the advertisement. She’s “African-American.” She should be content to live in a safe and orderly Japan. She might otherwise have been living in Chicago or Baltimore, and become a victim of her fellow blacks due to the Floyd Effect.

Ryall’s claim of Japanese “racism” against Koreans is somewhat curious. The two peoples are the same East Asian phenotype. Japan’s first settlers came from the Korean peninsula. While modern Koreans differ from the Japanese because of their deeper epicanthic fold, the difference is often imperceptible. Yet Ryall deploys all the buzzwords of the modern anti-racist. Maybe Ryall should visit South Korea to see racism in action [In Korea, double standards on racism, by Da-Sol Goh, Asia Times, March 24, 2020]. (Not that the two Koreas are any more obligated to import blacks or Muslims than Japan is).



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