various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @PatriotKat )
@Halp You want to see noticing? Check out the comments on this YT....whites, blacks, asians, EVERYONE IS NOTICING. Over 9K comments of hating on the jews.

Jonathan Greenblatt went on that Charlamagne niggers YT channel to do damage control and blew the whole thing up. Dumb jew.

( @ardito )
@PatriotKat @Halp THIS. Greenblatt basically said "We had to use our power to "get" Ye in order to prove we have no power". I had to watch that video a few times to make I wasn't hearing it wrong-"get " is the keyword.

( @Farmer_B2 )
@Halp When "conservatives" start talking about jews like they do "the left" or "liberals", then we will have a path for victory. But most people are still talking about Democrats and Republicans like those are real things.

( @Malignant )
Go look at twitter, #thenoticing
It’s like 99% of people just posting deplorable shit Jews actually did and said, with a handful of people screaming that it’s antisemetism and needs to be shut down.

( @Londonlad )

Best not mention Nirvarna in front of the Zionist Yids. They'll demand a central bank is opened there.

( @Terran_Ghost )
@Halp "No goy! You're not allowed to read our own publications and texts! Those are for our eyes only! What we say about you and plot against you is none of your concern!"

( @whoohoo001 )
@Halp Gentiles realizing "antisemitism" doesn't mean anything.

( @JHadron )
@Halp - I always use articles from the jewish press to debunk arguments made by jews. They are unable to respond and run away.

( @BattleDwarfGimli )
@JHadron @Halp Same. Discovered that technique a few years back. For real fun, collate their holocaust articles and watch the narrative fall apart before your very eyes.



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