theskincoatsalesman & Cyb3rd31ic_Citiz3n #conspiracy #sexist

RE: Just can't win can we?


men apologizing on behalf of other men r/AskFeminists

Do they really think every man is a rapist?

Dude I swear to god its a total thing, in which they specifically prey on women who have been abused by men. Then they reinforce the PTSD fueled idea all men are your abuser. Its a total fucking cult thing, when I was super pro feminist I 100% believed all men were a danger its was fucking insane, and really gross. They preyed & fed upon my PTSD under the guise of “female empowerment”. So yeah, I think a lot of them actually do.

Ex-male Feminist. We're trained to watch each other constantly for any signs of imposing ourselves onto women in ANY way and read it as a gross over-step. I was there at parties cock-blocking blokes even though, or maybe because, I am gay and have no vested interest in doing so except "protecting women". Looking back all I did was Rob women of being brave and/or exercising their agency. I started to realise something was wrong when the group became less interested in me as a person once I grew a beard out and stopped wearing tank tops. Turns out I was the groups man eye candy. One rule for thee but not for me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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