theskincoatsalesman & Cyb3rd31ic_Citiz3n #conspiracy #sexist
RE: Just can't win can we?
men apologizing on behalf of other men r/AskFeminists
Do they really think every man is a rapist?
Dude I swear to god its a total thing, in which they specifically prey on women who have been abused by men. Then they reinforce the PTSD fueled idea all men are your abuser. Its a total fucking cult thing, when I was super pro feminist I 100% believed all men were a danger its was fucking insane, and really gross. They preyed & fed upon my PTSD under the guise of “female empowerment”. So yeah, I think a lot of them actually do.
Ex-male Feminist. We're trained to watch each other constantly for any signs of imposing ourselves onto women in ANY way and read it as a gross over-step. I was there at parties cock-blocking blokes even though, or maybe because, I am gay and have no vested interest in doing so except "protecting women". Looking back all I did was Rob women of being brave and/or exercising their agency. I started to realise something was wrong when the group became less interested in me as a person once I grew a beard out and stopped wearing tank tops. Turns out I was the groups man eye candy. One rule for thee but not for me.