AsiaCel #crackpot #psycho

[LifeFuel] Imperial Japanese Army was a testimony to the toughness of incels

I believe many of you WW2cels or even incels have heard of the country Japan, but did y'all know that outside of anime it was one of the most fierce, violent and brutal country around?

The IJA was the army of incels - they would take terrorrity of the enemy and ascend through the means of questionable means.

The average japanese serviceman looked like that



The IJA taken part in many battles against the western countries, which mogged them (even worse back then), Russia was demolished by the Japanese and so did UK, Netherlands, France and even USA.

The average Japanese soldier back in the past was 5'3 and weighed only 115 pounds, compared to Americans of 5'8 and 145 pounds.

Despite losing out on the end, the toughness of the Japanese shown. The Americans had to face an extremely fierce enemy and paid costly for every island they took from the Japanese.

The Japanese would literally do 'special attacks' aka suicide attacks, crashing planes on bombers, charging straight to machine guns, suicide with grenades and put TNT on tanks and use them as explosive go-karts.

I think WW2 Japanese is a testimony to what incels can achieve as a whole, and can be a fierce enemy despite lack of height and appearance.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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