various commenters #transphobia

Trump plans to kick transgender troops out of the military with 15,000 service members to be 'medically discharged' on his first day in office, report claims | Daily Mail Online

( Mizuna )
The most shocking thing about this is that there are 15,000 transgender people in the military. The US military has a long and ugly history of medical experimentation on its own members. How many of these 15,000 transgender members are unwitting test subjects for whatever sick experiments the higher-ups in the US military are running? I strongly suspect that this the latest chapter in that long and ugly history.

( itsnotaboutewe )
I recently read somewhere that it's to do with serving members requiring regular medication to sustain life. If you have type 1 diabetes you will not pass the medical exam to join. If you are diagnosed after joining, you can be discharged as medically unfit. It's all about being able to serve in combat conditions and being physically able to withstand difficult circumstances in battle. This was how the trans service members were discharged last time. They can't claim that without daily hormones they would die yet still say they are fit enough to serve.

( ProfTerfMom )
How many trans-identifying people enlisted solely to have their medical transitions paid for by the military? The government is going to save a ton of $$$ and have a healthier fighting force.

Good riddance.

( MadSea )
Most of them are considered non-deployable so there really is no point in keeping them in the military. They are a drain on resources better spent elsewhere. Also female soldiers deserve to have their dorms and showers free of males. This is a win and I hope it’s what happens.

( Biologia )
We still eat the costs of their medical if they are medically discharged, along with unemployment/disability benefits.

Simpler to just stop funding for transition & stop letting people legally change their sex. Then the ones who are in the military for free cosmetic surgeries/steroids will leave on their own (or even better- accept the reality of their sex instead of creating 15,000 TRA martyrs)



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