Panel 1: Non-medically necessary circumcisions have been done in some places because either it was a requirement of the religion (yes, I guess that can be an attack on Judaism since they’re the most common ones to do it for religious purposes), or because for decades it’s just always been done there. Always? No, not really always, just made to appear that way, since the late 19th century, when it was believed circumcision would reduce masturbation. Pro-tip: it doesn’t. But for pretty much all of the 20th century, parents have done it simply because that’s what was done with the father, and all with no explanation of sex from the prudish assholes who think that not only must masturbation be stopped, but removing the foreskin is going to stop it, because such prudish assholes basically think sex should be eradicated, if it weren’t for being necessary to procreate.
Hell, Shakers even believed that procreation should be done away with. Yes, Shakers were one of the strangest cults. But so were the followers of Doctor Kellogg, who first promoted infant circumcision to prevent masturbation.
Panel 2: This is just too stupid to deconstruct.
Panel 3: Believe it or not, scientists are more with you than you think, in that most people with gender dysphoria issues are genetically matched to the sex they physically present as, and that most people finding issues with their body do not need hormones or surgery. That’s why pre-op transgender patients have to go through years of counseling before having any chance of getting surgery, and doctors are beyond hesitant to prescribe hormones or hormone blockers to kids, period, except for a few who are willing to give the exact same hormones so a kid can grow a few extra inches.
That’s right, a hormone therapy meant for people with disabling dwarfism disorders, whose bodies cannot seem to grow past about 3 feet, and often with highly disproportionate, well, everything, is also prescribed by some doctors to some kids who haven’t yet reached 6 feet tall by 13 years old. (Only a slight exaggeration there, I assure you.) And you assholes don’t say shit about that.
However, here’s the thing … some people actually have genitals that do not match their DNA! What the fuck, really? Yeah, turns out what determines your genitalia a set of genes that correlate with your sensitivity to the androgen hormones flooding the uterus while you’re a fetus. And guess what? Those genes aren’t on the X or Y chromosomes that “determine your sex”, but there are also other genes, including those X and Y chromosomes you’re so hot about, that determine how your body reacts to various hormones after you’re born, and during puberty!
That’s right, you’re perfectly God designed body is flawed right from the outset! Most people everything lines up mostly correct, but statistically … your God fails.
And like I’ve said before, this is an extremely oversimplified explanation of why you’re wrong about this one. Maybe it’s time you ask an actual biologist/geneticist.