[On James Fields' murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville]
Why do they spend so much time insulting Christ and Christian symbols/heroes? Because it's demoralizing and psychologically painful to us. The lesson: We do the same to them. Anyone they try to turn into an SJW saint, we mercilessly mock.
For instance: I'm still not sure Fields was trying to hit Heyer. I think he may have just realized he didn't have enough gas to drive around.
Fields was just trying to spare her a long, slow death by type II diabetes. It's a mercy kill, really.
“Why do they spend so much time insulting Christ and Christian symbols/heroes? Because it's demoralizing and psychologically painful to us.” True but mostly because your entire religion and its “heroes” is a thinly veiled herd control ploy about constantly bowing to a bloodthirsty, demented dictator.
Your “retort” makes no sense since she wasn’t obese to begin with. See, when I go after your little Jeebus, I go after what really pushes my buttons with this fuckfaced character, I don’t make up shit on the spot like “and we all know he was hugely incontinent”. Get the difference?
Also,as a side note, all you little talking shits talking about her being just so fucking obese, none of you miserable idiots ever made it up yourselves, it’s been given to you from on high on one of your precious little internet converging grounds. Guess why nobody is gonna take you up on your narrative, when the very first fact doesn’t check out to shit.
A 'punch': as opposed to an impact by a car.
Then you wonder why Antifa are the ones who have come out of this whole post-Donald Fart nightmare relatively P.R. damage-free? And ultimately, why they don't actually need to do anything.
Not when the Salt-right - the architects of said nightmare - are reduced to doing Antifa's job for them by throwing each other under the bus: just ask Andrew 'Filipino Jailbait' Anglin, Richard 'Punchable Nonce' Spencer, Milo 'Paedophile' Yiannopoulos et al.
Seems that millions of British voters are SJWs then, OP. Just ask Timmy Robbingscum & Arsegone of Sadact.
They're still cradling what's left of their UKRAP bollocks whilst whimpering in the corner in the fetal position after the almighty political kicking they received in the local & Euro elections early last year, never mind their complete obliteration nary a month ago.
Democracy can be infinitely more lethal to the likes of you, OP: no actual violence required.
Because the terrorist atrocity committed in Charlottesville ultimately did for you lot.
You know one is really pathetic if their only retort to the late Heather Heyer (who’s now having a great time in the hereafter because the REAL Jesus said, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’) is “Ooooh! She faaaat!”….Especially since many of these idiots are.
Do all regressive pigs who complain about women’s weight (despite being built like Jabba the Hutt) live under the delusion that they are all Chris Evans? It’s like they they assume they’re “Marlon Brando 1955″ when they’re built more like “Marlon Brando 1995″.
I think the reason for it is not just for an ad-hominem attack but there’s also a dumb conspiracy theory where these idiots want to claim she died from a heart attack due to her chubbiness. They don’t want to admit that one of them crashed their car into her (for similar reasons why ‘Holocaust Denial' is a thing) despite overwhelming evidence that that’s what happened.
So he spotted her in the crowd and deduced that she had Type II diabetes? He didn’t know her, so he had no idea what her health history was. By the way, I was diagnosed with Type II over 20 years ago, and I’m still doing fine, thank you very much.
Is Zaklog your Warcraft or Ork name?
I’d also like to remind you that Fields is now doing 419 years in the pokey, where he’s no doubt getting poked. I’m sure some of those hardened criminals in there really like his fat little face & can overlook his rat whiskers.
Fields was just trying to spare her a long, slow death by type II diabetes.
So you admit that it was premeditated homicide?
It doesn’t matter what you think - it matters what the jury thought, which is that James Fields was guilty of murder, or should I say homicide, because Heather Heyer WAS a human being. Who cares what weight she was, it’s not relevant to the case. Most people have seen footage of the way he was driving that car, and it was definitely vehicular homicide!
Oh well, Fields is definitely off the road now, and you’re still a fathead.
@SpukiKitty #25897
As if being that weight is natural, anyway, or supermodels and actresses are often anorexic or on drugs, in order to try and achieve it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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