Various Commenters #crackpot #psycho #racist

RE: Once Africa’s Promise, Nigeria Is Heaving Under Crime, Few Jobs

(San Francisco Cynic)
What a surprise - a Black country blessed with huge oil reserves still manages to screw everything up and wind up in economic shambles. Up until recently the media has played along, touting Nigeria as the "powerhouse" of Africa, celebrating their "vibrant film industry" and "cutting edge art scene" along with lovely cities filled with a "newly wealthy middle class" who fill clubs and restaurants in search of "the good life." Maybe the readers of Bloomberg will wise up and see the hell hole that is modern-day Nigeria. Can't get from the airport terminal to your hotel without paying bribes, electricity that is completely unreliable, run by a tribal kleptocracy, and a violent populace that would kill you for the twenty dollars in your wallet.

This can suprise no one! The same story could have been written 200 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago. Nothing ever changes no matter how many billions of whites' dollars are given to the black race anywhere on earth. Trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear will fail every time!

It’s simply Africans being African. They’d probably be better off if they did away with the current national borders, which tend to be a result of colonialism, and return to ethnic-based political organizations. There would be less conflict that way. But they’re never, ever going to become Denmarks.

(Francis Galton)
The most humane thing we can do for Africans (and more importantly, non-Africans) is to allow it to revert to its pre-contact state. That would involve the complete cessation of outside aid of any kind. Eventually, they will revert to their sustainable stone age existence.



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