
Neo Bretonnia #homophobia forums.jolt.co.uk

I know you guys want me to either call it discrimination or rephrase it in such a way as to appear unable to accept your point of view on what reality is.

I'll offer you this: If a ban on homosexual marriage is discriminatory against homosexuals, then a ban on necrophilia is discriminatory on necrophiliacs.

If you can accept the latter, then I'll accept the former in the same spirit.

Nana Kwame Adu-Gyamfi #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

(in a thread about Personality tests and absolutely nothing to do with religion)

I know my savior lives. Lately I have really been studying my bible using hebraic lenses, and there are things in the bible that are so powerful when you actually study it(not just read but STUDY). The bible is so well made that only God could have made it.

Hammarub #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[another poster posts about brainwaves in gey people being similar to those of straight people of the opposite sex]

Oh, here we ago, another laughable attempt to use peer-reviewed research to justify sin.


Second, left handed people are sinister, by definition. Check the etymology of the word.

Regarding any maladaptive impact of prayer on gays, just remember that negligible associated factors like depression, isolation, paralyzing inner conflict, and abiding, pervasive self-hatred are a small price to pay for an eternity with Christ.

Hammarub #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

I will not join you, and here's why:

A parents job is not to toilet train their children, it is to give them a strong moral upbringing.

Think about it: its one or the other. If your kid can crap in the right spot and not just anywhere, fine, but the priority should be to inculcate them with the right beliefs.

Which would you rather have, a child that drops the occasional deuce in his pants but knows to pray and not murder people, or some kid with pristine, unsoiled pants but blood on his or her hands?

Just remember this: every second spent explaining the workings of a toilet is one less second with the bible.

[NS]San Blanco #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

I mean, hell, every US president since we've had the bomb has been an avowed Christian of some denomination or other, and we never deployed nuclear weapons against the Soviets or the Chinese on the grounds that we'd be welcomed into Heaven by Jesus for opposing communism. Likewise, despite their atheistic disregard for life and human freedom, the Soviets never deployed their own nukes in their unstoppable quest for world domination

(emphasis mine)

Berzerkirs #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk


does this site disprove evolution? if not, how do you disprove the site?

[after a couple of people pointed out the pamphlet was from the 1920s and laughable]

I undertand why you dont want to read it.
You have to have motivation to do virtually anything.
So what if its written over eighty years ago?
The Bible "...it is written"
The Evolutionary Textbook, it is rewritten, rewritten, rewritten, etc.

Tucker Island #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[On where all the excess water after the Flood went]

If what they're saying about the ozone layer eroding and there are holes in the atmosphere water vapor could escape so there could have been more water in the atmosphere at one time.

Soviestan #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

This notion of "expanding" marriage is dangerous. Think of it as restraining a serial killer. Today its "well lets just expand marriage to cover gays", in other words lets remove the handcuffs, at least we restrain him by the feet. Before long people will be making excuses to the let the serial killer, and they do. And then he kills everyone. Think about it. Where does it stop? someone answer me that.

Sel Appa #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

I just saw this in my law class. NAMBLA is one example mentioned already. If we allow homosexual stuff, soon we'll allow pedophilia and other absurd things. The line must be drawn at an human male with any human female.

Theodosis X #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

Your a stupid emo teenager. What do you know?

Abortion is the modern holocaust, anyone with a heart and a brain would want to ban it. Even Jane Roe is pro-life now. Hell, even Bernard Bathanson, founder of NARAL and former abortion "doctor", is pro-life.

80% of the country opposes homos marrying, to force society to accept that is true tyranny.

Brownback doesn't want to replace evolution with creation. Way to assume you douchebag.

School prayer was allowed in the time of the founding fathers. Just because a few atheists and secular Jews don't like it doesn't mean we shouldn't have it.

This country is a Christian majority. If you want left-wing atheism then move to the PRC. I sure wouldn't care if your kind left. And no I dont believe in creationism and all that nonsense, so don't cry "fundy" at me. I just have the common sense to see that all you damn 18 year old liberals are screwing up the entire world with your backwards idealism.

Bruarong #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

If creationism is not scientific, according to your definition of 'scientific', perhaps your definition of 'scientific' is useless. To me it is, because I'm only interested in the truth (whether that be an old earth or a young earth), not your 'science'.

Greek American people #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[On whether or not "Under God" should be in the pledge.]

Well first of all most people in America believe there is some sort of God so y not just take2 secs and respect MY BELEF!! y should i always comprimise for u WHY DONT PEOPLE COMPRIMISE FOR CHRISTIANS SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soviestan #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[Responding to a news story in which a Muslim woman sought a divorce from her abusive Muslim husband, but was denied by a German judge according to "Islamic law"]

the state should stay out of the affairs between a man and his wife me thinks.

[When he's beating her and threatening to kill her?]

obviously if the man is going to kill his wife or beats her severely thats different. But the state has no business getting involved if he just hits her.

Homoousia #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

This Richard Carrier guy says that naturalism is incompatible with theism and that many of our politicians are closet Godless. Does he not know that the very heavens praise the name of God?

He was in the armed forces. Why would the government ever voluntarily put firearms in the hands of a Godless human being? If God doesn't matter to him, how could ANYTHING, much less the life of his superiors or fellow citizens?

I'm tired of these atheists coming out and trying to convince me that my faith in God and Christ Jesus the Lord his Son is some kind of a "delusion." God is real and I feel him in my heart as certainly as Mr. Carrier obviously feels hatred towards Him. If God doesn't exist, then what exactly is Mr. Carrier rebelling against?

Sho-Re #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

When I mentioned the maggots and radiation water, I didn't mean to say that science was always wrong. I meant that science is as inherently flawed as the people who pracitce it (which is a lot). The accuracy of science is limited to our limited knowlage. If science "proves" evolution, it could just mean that we havn't found the evidence required to disprove it. I admit this logic works in either direction.

But as for proof that evolution didn't happen, it isn't so much proof (It impossible to prove a negative) but pointing out some logical flaws. For example, if everything evolved by random mutation, it follows that we would see a bunch of failed species whose mutations didn't help them. You don't see any.
I admit their are new strains and breeds appearing, but that doesn't prove evolution of species. But even if evolution did happen, it means that God created evolution. The reason people champion evolution is because no better theory has yet arrived that leaves God out. It's not about science, it's about the elimination of God.

Sho-Re #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

Your problem is you're assuming faith and science are mutually exclusive.
I am a science nut and I beleive in ID. I believe evidince supports ID.
Really most of the "evidence" displayed by both sides can just go either way. Science is not objective and evidence will be used to support whatever you're trying to prove whether is really does or not. Keep in mind that science "proved" that maggots are made of rotting meat, radiation water is good for you, and "global warming" would raise the water levels (You probably disagree with me about that, but let's discuss it on another thread).

Chietuste #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[So do you support jail sentences for women who have abortions?]

No, I support the death penalty if they undergo it willingly.

Provided it is not to save her life from imminent danger (not the potential of danger).

RuleCauscasia #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[On why the U.S. won in Vietnam]

According to what I learned in school, a communist group of criminals started to persecute Christians in Vietnam. As a result, the US intervened in the conflict to aid the embattled Christians. They were able to successfully extract the Christians with minimal casualties while killing over a million of the bigoted Vietnamese butchers. However, because the US had a very dovish foreign policy at the time, they withdraw upon the completion of the mission. What you say contradicts that.

Happy Cool Chickens #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[If you are taking the OT as evidence god kills himself kills more then just in defense.]

Yes, but this is ultimately for the survival of the Hebrew people. Also, when God commands the killing of children, it is actually an act of mercy, since killing them before the age of accountability saves from judgement (they would have no chance of repentence in evil societies).

Allegheny County 2 #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

I like to see us stop a supernova from happening. That will not happen. I like to see us control mother nature, that is not going to happen either. We cannot prevent Global Warming from happening either. So again, how do you suggest we stop global warming which is a natural phenomena?

RuleCaucasia #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

If you think that there is something wrong with my points, then kindly debate them with me. However, if you are incapable of doing so, that doesn't make my points "laughable." I am simply pointing out some flaws in our modern scientific theory and forcing people to contemplate the issues rather than blindly believe in what the scientific power structure tells them. Sometimes I feel like Galileo here, trying to tell people that the world is spherical.

Lacadaemon #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

[As near as I can tell, he's attempting to disprove global warming.]

Okay, I just did an experiment. I have a box of CO2 in my house (the kitchen fire extinguisher), and I also have a box of non CO2 (a jar full of air).

So I put them both in the oven and heated them to 200 degrees. (F).

Holy shit, they both had the same temperature. My candy thermometer reported that they were exactly the same as the oven temp.

So, please refrain from talking about climate change. You to can do this experiment.

RuleCaucasia #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

Did We Come From Unicellular Organisms?

The first time I heard this absurd statement was during the first day of my 9th grade biology class, and I laughed out loud, thinking it was a joke. Sadly, it turns out that many people do believe such a ridiculous notion. They also tend to be the people who think that the universe magically came about from nothing, and life came about from a chemical reaction. How many people on these forums believe that we came from organisms as simple as common bacteria?

["At one point, unicellular organisms were the only form of life in the universe, scientific fact."]

No, it's not a scientific fact any more than the "fact" that the Earth is over a billion years old or that dinosaurs existed.

There were primordial creatures which existed, whose skeletons were found by archaeologists, that we typically consider "dinosaurs." However, they could have lived no more than 6,000 years ago, as that was when the Earth was created by God. They certainly did not inhabit the Earth millions of years ago.


There are various forms of science which we can safely put our faith in -- these have to do with readily observable phenomena. However, once you claim we randomly evolved from an organism which first existed over a billion years ago, you've got to be pulling all these "facts" out of your ass. No one was alive billions of years ago to know this.

[He goes on like this for a while]

The Cps Annex #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

Give me an example of more than one version of the Bible. Also, why don't you question the validity of other 'holy' books? If they were, indeed, inspired by God as well, wouldn't they also be in question? Why aren't you asking whether or not the koran is true?

The Redemption Army #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

I pray that God lets the Patriot act stand, even if that means He has to "Retire" some members of the supreme court to make that body more representative of His will. The Patriot Act allows the President to better root out the Muslim evildoers who are a constant danger, not only to our bodies, but to our souls. It is my hope that in the future he will also be able to use this mighty tool against other enemies of God.

The Redemption Army #fundie #homophobia forums.jolt.co.uk

God created AIDs to punish the Homosexuals. since then, it has been spread by "Bisexuals" who have carried it over to straight women, who then, in their promiscuity, spread it to other male partners. It is a Gay disease, because the Homosexuals are responsible for it, and the blood of any innocents, including innocent children and those who acquired it through blood transfusions, is on their hands.

The Redemption Army #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia forums.jolt.co.uk

A month ago, we as a nation were stupid enough, blind enough, to elect a Democrat government. I give thanks to God above that the President has not been unseated. The Democrats speak with the voice of Satan, and now they write our laws, inspired as they are, by the devil. They want to remove God's word and teaching from our schools, they want to tear down the monuments of our faith, they want to turn us into an atheist nation, like those of the failed Communists and evil Nazis. They itch to surrender our land, and the promised land of the Jews in israel, to the Muslims, who would use the land to further their endless crusade against all good christians. And they seek to put the homosexuals up with the Atheists, in rulership of our nation. Soon, we will no doubt see laws going so far as to encourage homosexuality, and we will see droves convert from being good christians to being Homosexual atheists.
This did not have to be. President Bush and the Republican Party, are the chosen representatives of God in our nation. They have been following the true agenda of God, to punish Homosexuals, and to put God's name and word in prominant places. This is truly one nation Under God, though the Democrats would like you to forget that.

The Redemption Army #fundie forums.jolt.co.uk

The bible is absolute truth. It's story is a factual representation of the events 6000 years ago, near the beginning of time. Intelligent Design, and "Evolution" are varying levels of falsehood. Intelligent design fills our children's heads with the possibility of other gods besides The Lord, and as you know, that is against the Ten Commandments, a very powerful sin. It is a sign of our desperate times that schools have stopped teaching the truth to our children. Evolutionists, and those who would compromise with them with this intelligent design, are both speaking with the voice of Satan, and should be silenced.