Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.org
The Bone Generator® offers the technology to modify the Morphogenic Field. It can also act as a Psychotronic Generator® of Time electromagnetic and longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Time and Longitudinal electromagnetic waves this time, longitudinal waves (at right angles to each other) to specific parts of the brain to cause them to fire. In this Bone Generator® the time, longitudinal components of the bodies electromagnetic field are lazed, focussed on the Amygdale, the pleasure pain area of the limbic system.
As a soldier, executive, sportsman, fighter, huntsman, you have to go through a lot of pain to achieve your goal, mission… if you could switch off the: pain, irritation, depression, loss of motivation, ennui, desire to stop… as well as switch on pleasure at doing the hard work . All the pain, damage, respect… has been totally ignored; to enable Tim Rifat to use thought weapons to destroy Gordon Brown and the Labour Party in the 2010 general election which annihilated Labour forever as a political party.
So you aren’t broken down but become a super achiever. It enabled Tim Rifat to become an Internet Entrepreneur, author, US Radio Journalist, and personally write all the material on his mega-website, since 1996 when he was under constant attack by MI5 trying to kill him, writing RV, RS Courses, unleashing Psychotronic Superweapons on the British, travelling in time, other dimensions, precognitive Remote Viewing, using Remote influencing to change past present and future running his business all powered by the pleasure he gets from handwork, ignores constant attacks by MI5 to reach Total Success.
$600 with certificate