Dixie Anon #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Caging the City Birds"]

If Southerners are to continue to hold statewide sway, we must be willing to evolve our political systems to fit our will. This is especially the case in Georgia and Texas, where more carpetbaggers, Indians, and Central Americans flood into large cities like Dallas and Atlanta[…]Large masses of foreigners have made a home in our states and swing them “bluer and bluer”
Georgia’s history provides a clear system to “Crush the Urbanite”[…]That is the “County Unit System” which was used in Georgia from 1917 to 1962. This system set up a county based electoral college which gave three classifications to Georgia counties[…]This system helped Georgia ruralites maintain power in the state for several decades and blocked the rise of urbanite Atlanta progressives in 1946, when Talmadge won the majority of votes against his big business, city boy opponent who won the popular vote
It should be said this system was challenged, then destroyed, by the Supreme Court[…]The court claimed the County Unit System was protected under states’ rights arguments in the 1940s and 1950s only to flip flop in 1962
It is well and about time we begin nullifying the rulings of the Supreme Court
This reform isn’t about saving the GOP, as both state parties have largely failed their Southern voter base; rather it is about saving their respective states from becoming progressive-run dystopias
This would also allow Southerners to focus on crushing the remaining neocon politicians on the state level and passing whatever we wish[…]It would largely make secession more of a viable and likely outcome for Texas and Georgia
No matter how many foreigners flood into Atlanta, Houston or Dallas, it wouldn’t give them the political edge to oppress our states[…]The County Unit System will work for us, if we have the political will to implement it



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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