variopus commenters #wingnut #quack #transphobia

Wait a minute, schools are canceling football because there aren’t enough healthy kids to play….and no one’s asking “why” they’re not healthy?

Gee, you think it had anything that do with that experimental vaccine you gave them for a virus that didn’t effect them?

@AmericanAFMindy Just wait until the US Military has to cancel the next war.

It's intentional and by design. They're destroying our combat readiness:

- vaccine injuries and discharges
- woke ideology and transgender integration
- sending active-duty weapons & ammo to UKR
- draining our Treasury dry so we can't afford to fight


@AmericanAFMindy COVID VACCINES ,its happening all over the world. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

@AmericanAFMindy They are afraid kids will drop dead on the field.... Obviously from the jab. Then, someone got some 'splaining to do....

@AmericanAFMindy All these schools mandated these vaccines - basically murdering their own students...

@AmericanAFMindy some doctors won't sign school physicals for kids to do sports, if they've had the shots



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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