Connor Murphy #fundie #mammon #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger #god-complex
For most of us it’s tough to say, “Merry Christmas” this year and mean it. We’ve gone though a lot this year, and many of us are mentally suffering. You can do two things about this: be a victim and continue to mentally suffer, or take responsibility for your happiness and create your own reality. I’m here to help you do the latter. Since many of us are celebrating the birth of Jesus today, I thought I’d fill you in on what he was ACTUALLY trying to teach. His teachings have been misinterpreted and mistranslated for 2000 years. This is a big reason why this country, which was founded on Christianity, is such a mess. Let go of the concepts you’ve been indoctrinated into and directly experience what Jesus was pointing to for yourself. I’ll help you get there.