(On Avatar )
The second highest-grossing feature in history, directed by liberal James Cameron, enforces many destructive messages, including environmentalism, feminism, and the absurd claim that nature is God. It also ridicules the military and large businesses. To make matters worse, the protagonist forms a rather creepy romance with the native princess, who is of another species, perhaps a symbol for bestiality. The overall plotline hints at endorsing environmental terrorism, which Cameron indicated that he himself supported.
(On Avatar 2 )
Liberal atheist James Cameron's sequel to his highly overrated movie. This is yet another nonsensical screed against capitalism that pushes political correctness, wokeness, environmentalism, and feminism. Once again he celebrates eco terrorism and treats paganism as truth. He also portrays the US government as savage terrorists who remorselessly torture children.
It also ridicules the military and large businesses.
Oh the humanity! No one should ever ridicule poor, defenseless big businesses!!
Oh, wait, except y’all if they start supporting things you don’t like…
Conservapedia’s description of Target Corp
Target Corporation
Target Corporation is a major retailer in the United States, headquartered in Minneapolis, managed by liberals. It is the second largest discount retailer in the U.S., behind Wal-Mart, operating, big-box stores and supercenters. It is infamous for various scandals, including the promotion of homosexuality, an apparent disregard for women's safety, insecure computer systems leading to one of the largest customer information data breaches in history, prohibiting the Salvation Army from collecting donations from its stores at Christmas time, closing over one hundred stores in Canada after its failed expansion to that country less than two years prior, and purchasing food products from suppliers who engage in animal cruelty.
All that and they don't even give a good critique of it. You just say "it ridicules the military and corporations' without saying why how they portrayed it was bador inaccurate or lame. And oh man, protecting the environment is so.. destructive? How?
Like sure, it was a particularly forgettable film that cribbed a lot of points from other things, but you don't mention that. Only thing I can agree with is that if James Cameron does endorse environmental terrorism that's a terrible thing. But then endorsing any terrorism is.
And no, having a romance between a pair of mixed sapient species has never been considered bestiality in fiction. What, would elves and humans from LoTR committing bestiality? Would a Turian and Asari? Or, how about a Star Wars "human" with a Earth Human? They are separated by being from a place a long time ago in a galaxy far away, so they obviously aren't homo sapiens as we know them.
Can't comment on the second one, after the disappointing first never had an inclination to see the sequel.
@Tilver #172699
Eh, I agree that the plot of Avatar 1 wasn’t particularly original, but it’s not that bad. Plus, I actually found the second one to be better.
Aside from that, I agree with your points.
@Creativerealms #172697
The sad thing is that it’s not even the US government that’s the bad guys in the Avatar films. It’s the RDA megacorp, which has its own private army. The fact that conservapedia sees a “savage, children-torturing military” and immediatly associates it with the USA says more about them than they’d think.
iberal atheist James Cameron's sequel to his highly overrated movie.
Wait, was Avatar really “overrated”?? Yeah, it did ridiculous box-office numbers, but as I recall, the reviews of it were pretty much along the lines of “good but not really great.” (and I’d agree with that assessment based on my memories of seeing it one time years ago, lol) Or am I remembering that wrong?
@TheKingOfRhye #172707
No, you’re right. That pretty much seemed to be the consensus amongst most moviegoers and critics, afaik. It wasn’t a bad film at all, and certainly a visual spectacle, but the plot (good but not great) was arguably the weakest part.
As if the sequel wasn’t successful enough, your BS will only result in people wanting to buy the Blu-Ray, nay, stream the film even more. [/@Titania ]
Ever hear of the concept of the ‘Streisand Effect’…?!
James Cameron thanks you for your help in filling his coffers further, thus ensuring he’ll be even more the auteur.
Not bad for an Atheist .
@PMSFKS #172727
I’m guessing it would be the latter, and then they’d unironically go straight from that to writing a different article saying that white women need groups of white men to protect them from Black men.
The inconsistency, it hurts!!
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