SwytheQ #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com
If you need a holiday to make you feel good, your doing life wrong. Holidays are not accomplishments, not cures for depression. Same with your sexuality, race, identity.
Your freedom is also not an accomplishment worth my, or anyone else's time and energy. The whole point of freedom is to earn your right to govern your own affairs outside of the interference of others.
Shoving it into my, or anyone else's, face is no different in effect then Mormon's going door to door. It's annoying, and should be considered as a trespass.
Your superficial and shallow identity is not a point worthy of any respect. It solves nothing. It carries nothing into space. It is just there, and its not worth anyone's respect or time.
In fact it discounts people of merit. People who spend countless nights struggling to overcome skill deficits in order to create something. People who sacrifice relationships, money, and health to merely know something.
It discounts people who truly care and awards attention seeking peacock behavior. The artist striving to write a good story who is told by his editor to be more "representative" is completely ignored in favor of token work that will be forgotten in a sea of editors following the trends.
It awards pornography, hypersexualized behavior, victim complexes, dwelling on trauma. Even addition. Yeah that link there is a study that shows the the LGBT groups are the largest group of perverts in the room.
Pride month is the ultimate of favoritism and nepotism. It is corruption incarnate. It shall proceed the fall.
We should be celebrating our scientists, artists, and inventors for making our lives better through their labor. Not our sodomites, narcissists, and masochists who all have higher blood parasite levels and recently caused a monkey pox outbreak.