-_- , personalityinkwell & ÜbermenschPilled #sexist ncu.su

RE: Hebephilia and ephebophilia are biologically normal.

good thread

they don't have to be some random age or in a certain stage of puberty to consent to sex

all they need to consent is sexual feelings and the ability to say yes

which can be done by foids as young as 7 years old

agecucks dont use logical arguments, they use dishonest ones

high aoc laws were created by feminists, and parents like them because it makes it easier to not worry about grown men trying to bang their jb daughters

Not wanting to kreempie 14yo means your brain is broken by modern propaganda.
No saving you.
I am going to the grave with it even if I marry a roastie someday
12 is prime Yolo. Fuck the police.



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