various commenters #transphobia

JK Rowling reveals people close to her 'begged' her not to speak out on transgender debate | Daily Mail Online

( DaftCat )
I completely get why those close to her would just be like for God's sake just keep yourself out of it, but I suspect when we look back on all this (hopefully as a bizarre blip rather than the beginning of the end) JKR standing up for women's rights at a time when it was deeply unpopular to do so will be heralded as one of the key things that slowly go the frigate of public opinion to start it's slow turn.

The reluctance to speak out as a public figure is somewhat understandable given the absolute shite we've seen JKR and others put up with. She made a choice to put her reputation on the line and stand up for what was right, rather than what was easy. I strongly suspect in the years to come we'll see a lot more voices join in and they'll find strength in numbers. But JKR and all those countless other names who face venom and vitriol for daring to be 'first' are owed a debt in getting this debate into the public consciousness.

( Carrots90 )
The funny thing os that it wasn’t her words that peaked many people

It was the TRA response to her words that peaked them

The attempt to shit her down showed more about the movement than her words

( cranberrysalad )
YES! It peaked me. I was so grateful when she pushed back on “people who menstruate” and seeing her reviled as a literal Nazi for it was a huge awakening for me. And then she was like you know what, “this witch doesn’t burn” and took female empowerment to a whole new galaxy.

( shewolfoffrance )
Yes. They are their own worst enemies. Sending rape and death threats to a woman is not a great way to convince those who are on the fence that you aren't a threat to women.

( m0RT_1 )
Yes, the TRAs visceral hatred of women who dared to even try to discuss their concerns made me realize it is a movement full of misogynists.

( anxietyacct )
She would have never experienced any of this if she was a man. "Leftist" "feminists" are currently laughing on Twitter because Andrew Tate said he would have sex with a trans woman. They treat a rapist like he's just some funny guy, meanwhile JKR is literally the devil incarnate.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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