various commenters #transphobia

How Trump’s Trans Order Sows Chaos for Federal Prisoners, Staff | The Marshall Project

( Carrots90 )
Love how it didn’t sow chaos when TIMs were moved into the female estate

But putting men with other men is noteworthy

( ArtemisCitrine )
Exactly. So sick of all these articles lately full of sympathy for TIMs and how afraid they are of the men's prisons.

( Carrots90 )
Him-pathy, TIM-pathy dock

In service to his cock

He lost his wife and effed up his life

Just to wear a frock

( notapatsy )
Sixteen TIMs in federal prisons and they get their own council?

I'd also worry that those who were removed from the women's prison and then re-released into the women's prison will take out their anger and frustration on the women inmates.

( GenXer )
Women saw this coming the moment that TWAW took root. Now men, you have to accept reality!



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