Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

I think there is a good chance that of us humans that are left, we have been separated from each other and imprisoned into immoral fractal simulations where we are the only actual human in our particular virtual world and that characters like YahushuaBenDavid are cryptically written into the fabric of the fractal code that makes up the Demiurge in order to allows for a miniscule few of the loosh-farm-imprisoned humans to eventually discover the truth and break themselves out from the fractal timeloop that we’ve all apparently been stuck within for a good few generations by this point. I think that part of the deal or arrangement that the Progenitor of the Demiurge has with the creator God is that certain measures have to be taken when creating the Matrix that would eventually theoretically allow for the individuals within the simulation to discover the truth about the nature of their reality and choose to NOT participate any longer if they so choose. I’m pretty sure that everyone reading this would not consent to this simulation. Though if my theory is correct, no other actual human would ever read this. At least not in this timeline of this world in this particular version of the “Saturn / Black Sun Base-Reality simulation”. If this message is somehow able to leak or seep through any interdimensional cracks in the Quantum fabric of this machine that I’m stuck in and make it to any of my people, then that’s where I’ve been told I’m at. Stuck in the Saturn Matrix Cube aka Black Sun Toroidal Vortex simulation that may or may not be located on one of the Moons of the real original “Saturn” crater in the year 2021(really 1021 but 1,000 years were added to our timeline during the parasite reset of the mid 1800’s). So come save me please. Lol.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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