There is nothing left to debate. Anyone who is not brainwashed, or brain dead, can see that the COVID-19 vaccine was the worst mistake in America's history, world history, health-care history and the history of medicine.
The data is in from all over the world. You haven't seen it? I believe that's because the media is guilty of covering up mass death on a scale no one can even imagine. But it's only getting started. Wait for 2023.
But I have all the important data. Write me. I'm glad to send it, for free:
No, I'm not a doctor, or a scientist. Yes, I'm a conservative TV and radio talk-show host. But I'm not brainwashed, gaslighted, delusional or easily scammed. I only search for raw truth — wherever it leads.
I have seen the data (i.e., factual evidence) from all over the world that the COVID-19 vaccine is the most dangerous and deadly vaccine in history — BY A MILE.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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