various commenters #transphobia

( @Catullus_vincit )
"Womb Carriers" not even the previous "womb havers": They are softening you up for Uterus transplants into men.

Fresh term for women thoroughly rejected by the 'womb carriers'

( @arthur72521 )
Cannot allow the Marxist Left to define the language. Women is the term we will continue to use. And the Left can fuck off.

( @babavenga )
If women become womb carriers, then let's have men become penis carriers, and trans be called testicle tuckers.

( @Catullus_vincit )
Careful - like saying Bloody Mary in the mirror 3 times - the 1st Rule of Trans madness is, if you evoke it, even in jest, it will appear in the flesh no matter how messed up it is.

( @Alisdisgrace )
Not just that, but as bodies from which wombs can be harvested.

( @Catullus_vincit )
100%. "Young Blood" transfusion clinics, prostitution, organ harvesting - all related.



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