U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) #transphobia #psycho al.com

Alabama’s senior senator on Tuesday claimed parents who raise transgender children are committing “child abuse,” suggesting that trans kids “should live in fear of their parents,” not the government

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s tweet on Tuesday came in response to the Episcopalian bishop who implored the Trump administration to “have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now”[…]
Tuberville suggested “trans children” should be more scared of those who raise them than the government

“These ‘trans children’ should live in fear of their parents and the sick people that enable those ‘guardians’. It’s child abuse. An absolute disgrace.” the senator tweeted while posting the video of Budde’s remarks[…]
Tuberville’s tweet came a day after Trump signed an executive order declaring there are only two genders



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