Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho

[From "Thot Patroller Arrested for MURDER After Dirty Slut Dies Resisting Patrolling"]

Was she in fact resisting patrol by an officer of the Thot Patrol?

The follow-up question is clear: how did Aiden Fucci do anything wrong?

Police have provided zero evidence that Bailey was not resisting patrol

First Coast ABC

Aiden Fucci, the 14-year-old behind bars charged with the murder of a beloved cheerleader, appeared before a judge Tuesday morning

Fucci is charged with second-degree murder related to the death of 13-year-old cheerleader Tristyn Bailey

Sure, maybe there was an act of delinquency. I mean, if he skipped school to give this bitch what she had coming, then I think it is fair that he could have several weeks of detention

Have a look at Aiden, a wholesome boy who was just following standard operating procedure for the Thot Patrol

Compare him to the Thot, a multiple-time slut known for resisting getting patrolled
Maybe instead of blaming the victims, we should support our brave Thot Patrollers, who serve and protect the community from fat skanks?

The Daily Stormer cannot do GoFundMes because of Jewish censorship. I will assume actually that no one would be allowed to do a GoFundMe for Aiden, due to the power of the Thot Lobby in Washington



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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