MuslimCell #sexist #psycho

[It's Over] i gave up completely on Normies .

i mean , they are nothing more then NPCs doing what society have convinced them to do . they are so predictable and just doing the same normal useless shit , being a working drone , fucking , consuming and "having fun" with their predictable , repeated humor . their life is nothing more then scripts that starts running for every condition or stimulus they encounter . they have no genuine empathy or authentic honest desires from their heart , all they do is just fitting in this SoCiEtY and doing whatever it takes to achieve it . they truly doesn't care about anyone but themselves and everything they do is simply a SHOW so everyone validate them as a part of their society . they have no original thoughts , can't critic anything and ask questions , they only enjoy fitting in as much as possible for validation , getting good grades and making as much money to reproduce more NPC children just like them . non of them thinks what's like to be the other guy and help them but instead avoid all of what can make them look bad . they don't care about what's good for humanity and accept the basic TRUTH of life included in the blackpill but instead they fight everything that destroys their false bluepilled reality . a bunch of useless sheeps with no value to add to this existence but all their life is about getting validations and fitting in with as much norpmies possible . and when they encounter a blackpilled WOKE person they can't but tries to avoid him or even harm him .
i hope that as much people wake up and accept the reality of things and the blackpill included and stop being careless , narcessitic , non empathic , validation seeking and working drone ignorant who do nothing but being a cold MACHINE.
every body is awful these days tbh . i will only give them what they Fucking deserve and fuck their bluepilled cucked emotion and their construct of false reality and lies



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