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XBB1.1.16, or "Arcturus," is a strain of COVID-19's omicron variant. First reported in January, the strain has rapidly spread in nations such as India and Indonesia. While Arcturus is similar to other variants, it does differ in a few key ways.

"Arcturus XBB 1 16" = 911 (Sumerian)

"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 176 (Reverse ordinal)
"woman president" = 176 (Ordinal)
"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 1056 (Reverse Sumerian)
"woman president" = 1056 (Sumerian)

"woman president" = 666 (Satanic)
"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 666 (Reverse Satanic)

"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 202 (Ordinal)
"woman president" = 202 (Reverse)
"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 1212 (Sumerian)
"woman president" = 1212 (Reverse Sumerian)

"ARCTURUS STRAIN" = 58 (Reduction)

"Arcturus variant" = 199 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Arcturus XBB 1 16" = 911 (Sumerian)

"XBB 1 1 6" = 36 (Ordinal)

XBB.1.16 could be on track to outcompete another variant called XBB.1.9, which makes up 12.7% of circulating virus across the U.S. But XBB.1.16 is also similar enough to its siblings that federal officials think a single vaccine recipe might be able to boost against all of them this fall.

Some have pointed to "pink eye" – also known as conjunctivitis – as a potential new symptom caused by XBB.1.16. But at a news conference on April 18, WHO officials described it as a "known symptom that already is part of COVID."

"pink eye" = 330 (Satanic)
"Hillary" = 330 (Satanic)
"President HR Clinton" = 223 (Ordinal)
"conjunctivitis" = 190 (Reverse ordinal)

"HR Clinton" = 113 (Ordinal)



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