As a liberal democrat, I am alarmed at what has happened to my beloved democratic party. Gender ideology - the trans cancer - has disguised itself as a social justice/civil rights issue and infected the democratic party. This cancer has consumed women’s rights, parents’ rights, LGB rights (yes, you read that correctly), children’s safety and many of the principles and values that democrats hold sacred. Consider:
The democratic party has abandoned science in favor of ideology.
The democratic party now demands that a specific religion be taught in public schools.
The democratic party now supports child abduction when a child has religious differences with his or her parents.
The democratic party now endorses a new type of conversion therapy on the LGB community.
The democratic party is unconcerned about the mass mutilation and sterilization of children.
The democratic party has set women’s rights back 50 years.
The democratic party now embraces misogyny.
How can the democratic party rid itself of the trans cancer? Renounce gender ideology. Work with republicans to ban gender affirming treatments for all children under 18 and ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools through middle school. Gender ideology can be taught in high school during the section on cults.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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