Psycho #psycho #sexist

LifeFuel My mom's pathetic life makes me happy

she used to be hot stacy. she married to my father at age of 14, where she didn't know anything about chads. she was always kept at home , so later when she figured out that chads exist and my dad is not chad. she started cheating and dating chads. (side note : 30 years ago, marring to girls at age 12-18 was normal in my country , it's still legal and accepted in some states. Muslim fucktards believe that girls should marry early or they will end up whore.) she gave birth to me at 16, and later she didn't care about me, because she didn't love my dad. so she didn't care if i know that she is cheating. she kept bringing me with her in her dates when i was a 4yo 5yo boy. the chad kept fucking her but not marring, so she faked that she used protection pills and made baby and told him when it was too late on propose, he had no choice but to marry her, and guess what?! she was 30 and the chad was 19.

as she aged she got fat and fatter, lost her beauty and the chad lost interest in her cause she had a very shitty personality. she is ugly now, the chad left her and picked his kid with him too. he don't even give her money to live, me and my brother are paying her bills for 6 months now. she is alone af so far away from us in another city and in shithole that some wont even use it for their dogs. fat af and ugly af, alone af. i hope every stacy end up like my mom. it's just fascinating to think about it , girls get old and ugly soon. they all will experience how does it feel like to be unwanted. even if they have a husband who tell em " i love u " they know it's not for real because they are ugly and unpleasant when they are old. now she is at 40s , alone and rotting somewhere in a shitty basement. makes me feel good.



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