various commenters #transphobia
“Do you have family who can hide you?” 😂
( CruddyMuddy )
Bloody hell. Cosplaying women isn’t enough, now they’re pretending they’re Anne Frank.
( FernLady )
Dr: “we are no longer going to prescribe this unproven medicine for you.”
TIM friends: “it’s not safe there!! Do you have someone who can hide you?”
What the heck lol they want to be victims so badly
( atomic_brunette )
Yeah I wonder what the real reasons were for the doctor discontinuing care. He mentions chronic health problems so what are the odds cross-sex hormones are causing him problems? Or doctor did the math and decided it was too much liability.
Iirc one of the EOs makes it easier for detrans patients to sue so some doctors will be getting out of the biz for that reason.
( Spinstaa )
Why are they like this?! No one is rounding up TQ’s to commit a genocide, even though that’s what they talk about constantly. It’s just not happening.
Also I find it funny that they are obsessed with a Hitler-like figure starting another holocaust where they would be the victims , and these TIPs always admit to having a neo Nazi phase. [...]
Like Read. The. God. Damm. Room.
( shewolfoffrance )
No one is rounding up TQ’s to commit a genocide
Seriously. Before they leap to hiding in an attic, might I suggest wearing a disguise when they're forced to go out in public? Perhaps clothing that aligns with their biological sex? 99% of the time, no one would even suspect they had ladysouls.
( mathlover )
They can "hide" in plain sight. Wear pants. Get a short haircut. No makeup. Stop the estrogen. Get all their ID changed back to reflect reality.
( blibberinghumdinger )
They don't even have to do most of this. Be a man who has long hair, wears makeup and non-masculine clothing. Pretty much nobody gives a shit. Just stop lying and trying to force everyone around you to lie about what sex you are. They literally act like they're going to die if they aren't allowed to grow tits and lie. Lmao
( mathlover )
Good point. They could keep playing dress up as long as they never ask anyone else to go along with the make-believe, including the phony pronouns, and they stay out of anything specifically for women only.