@Rex_Landy , @wilsb8 & @piotr3 #transphobia gettr.com

( @Rex_Landy )
What trannies REALLY mean when they say 'validate me!'

spoilerban criticism of me and participate in my autogynophilia fetish or I will kill myself

( @wilsb8 )
I respect your right to kill yourself, chief.

( @piotr3 )
I think there is a definite difference between the teen/young 20s and the older trans. The youngsters are very confused and threaten suicide, whereas the older ones are perverted dirty old men. The ones that castrate themselves are less of a risk to society.

( @Rex_Landy )
True. Wtf does a 14yr old girl hating her body changes Have to do with a pantysniffing degenerate that gets stiff in satin? None.



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