variuos commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Whoever fights jews should see to it that in the process he does not become a jew.

( @doug_galecawitz )
@Nature_and_Race there are certain personality traits of mine, my mom has these traits too. i'm a bit paranoid about there being some jewishness in my family history. thus far i have found none. it's mostly germans, germans, germans.

( @FFF21 )
@doug_galecawitz @Nature_and_Race You can take an ancestry test. If you find Jewish ancestry, be sure to kill yourself.

( @doug_galecawitz )
@FFF21 @Nature_and_Race A) those tests aren't as accurate as made out to be. B) not giving a company my DNA to sell to the government C) thanks for your kind words of encouragement.

( @leechslair )
@Nature_and_Race You are absolutely correct. We have all been jewdized over our life time since their crap has been in our society for over a 100 yrs. First de-jewdize ur mind and ways and then fight them with Aryan truth & strength.

( @FFF21 )
@leechslair @Nature_and_Race You can take an ancestry test first. If you find Jewish ancestry, be sure to kill yourself.

( @leechslair )
@FFF21 @Nature_and_Race Yes great idea I’d be happy to remove just one more subversive goblin from our once great nation. However, my family has a very accurate family tree from both sides of my parents and I’m happy to say there are no spic, nigger or goblin in our woodshed. I’m a European mutt (mostly English)with a direct line to William Bradford from the Mayflower. And I passed that onto my very white child who has a very white girlfriend. Thank you for your helpful comment though.



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