I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of one of the many medical bed facilities peppered throughout your time and space. We are calibrating our energies constantly within the medical beds so that we may most appropriately and aptly harmonize the genetics of the ascending human with your currently energetic waves. It is a genomic reset, an improvement, a falling away of the diseases and genetic predispositions and tendencies that have become diseases within the human genome. The medical beds remove those for they are programmed for the higher light and the highest and best outcome. Human beings will be radiant with light, with love, with peace, with clarity. Humanity will come home to the higher dimensional light within their bodies. The medical beds simply reset the individuated human to their optimal genetics. That is all. We have many of these facilities. They are in the cities of light, they are also on some of our ships.
I Xylenia invite you to come and visit, come and see for yourselves. Come and experience a medical bed rejuvenation process. It will feel like home. (I am hearing pleasant humming in my ears. I am seeing Xylenia, a very tall thin humanoid with purple skin and large eyes wearing a long white medical coat. She is gesturing for me to come with her long purple fingers. I am seeing a massive room on a ship filled with thousands of glowing happily humming lavender pods that are living in a way. They are filled with light and soft inside like the most comfortable bed you have ever been in. I hop into one. It is prism, glowing. There are frequencies playing. The soft material underneath me conforms around me so that I am perfectly comfortable and cocooned in light. She smiles and closes the lid and I am in a pod of light, of sound, and of love. I am communicating with the purple pod. It knows me.
This website is created by corrupted monkey to distract public from truth and with the intent to hold people in lies,deceptions and manipulated inferior survival state for forever. Stop it,Michael Howell[notriddle]!
@voyagesoflight #101400
And I’m an actual Satanist priestess, Her Excellency the Bishop of Goats Herself!
MWAHAHAHAHA! Tremble, despair and all the assorted stuff, yadda, yadda. Point is, please, DO tell us more…
You all have free will to create whatever reality you wish,that's your choice.My intention is just _suggesting_ Michael to stop creating obstacle for information seekers.And sorry for the harshness attitude before because I indeed was angry when I saw this at that time.Give both us and other seekers a chance.We can get over all of these suffering from society and governments.
@voyagesoflight #101555
I was not referring to the formal quality of the writing, but rather to its contents, with all its clichees and platitudes and technobabble and inconsistencies and just blatant nonsense you put into the mouth of whatever random stock fantasy creature/Whatever from Outer Space/LSD hallucination you picked at a given time.
Of course it is badly written cause english isn't my native.
English is not my native language, either, so I do not accept this excuse (even if we ignore that it completely misses the point I was making in the first place).
@Bastethotep #101559
Ok that means you don't know how channeling works.I don't want to waste time here to tell you how channeling works because it is pure Physics.Google it for yourself.
PS: I don't care your reaction about my bad writing,nor whether you accept or not.You have eyes,saw it,that's it.
@voyagesoflight #101564
Oh, I know exactly how channeling works: It doesn’t. It’s all showmanship. In a life performance, you fake voices and speech patterns and engage in cold readings and sleight of hand and all the other tricks that have been known for ages. In written form on the Internet? You don’t even need to go this far - just write a bit of faction.
It is very clear that your “channelings” do not actually impart you with any external information. Your worldbuilding consists of painful softer-than-talc sci-fi cliches, recycled conspiracy theories and blatant plagiarism. Your spiritual insights are nothing but platitudes and obvious wishful thinking. And any claims that could be checked against observable reality in any form are easily shown to be extremely implausibly at best - most notably, claims to be channeling creatures from the Pleiades, a very young (in astronomical terms) group of stars that would not have had the time to evolve bacteria, let alone a civilisation.
@voyagesoflight #101565
I am not knowledgeable about the technical side of things, but I am pretty sure Digibase is merely the forum software FSTDT uses. It would be just as suitable for a forum of yours discussing how you are all Mary Sues who can hear the voices of space elves in your heads fighting a secret war against a hidden world government in perfect control of everything and their intergalactic drug cartel allies through the power of positive thinking and laugh at us silly narrow-minded skeptical fools.
@voyagesoflight #101554
Please, PLEASE do tell what a crit like you would consider a “history book”?
As for my faith, I hope you do understand that my religion is not beholden to your demented power fantasies, which need some obvious lookin bad guy characters to beat up, y’know like Devils and Yuan-Ti Draconians? Lets be honest, you wouldn’t know a tenet of my belief system even if it came up to you and kicked you in your sparkling star-child ass.
@Bastethotep #101568
No you don't.It's very clear to me you just put your understanding here without googling.I'll tell you one thing:Channeling is working under THETA wavelength of signals and biological body interacts with particles from higher wavelength to interpret those interactions.The HOSPITALS even use this to heal bio body.Channeling is just byproduct.
For Pleiades,they are relatively young stars,yes.But there are beings from outside came here and terra-formed the ecosystem with a shield reflecting sunlight so even your high resolution telescope can't see though that barrier.That's why you found nothing.
@voyagesoflight #101617
Have you ever heard of the concept of Ockham’s razor? It would be of utmost foolishness to conclude that you are do indeed possess paranormal (and no, putting in sciency buzzwords do not turn your claim scientific) capabilities to communicate with highly implausible beings when your posts can be perfectly explained by you making stuff up (although you may have managed to deceive yourselves into thinking otherwise), especially when we have overwhelming precedence that “channelers”, like every other supposed holder of supernatural abilities, are charlatans.
No you don't.It's very clear to me you just put your understanding here without googling.I'll tell you one thing:Channeling is working under THETA wavelength of signals and biological body interacts with particles from higher wavelength to interpret those interactions.The HOSPITALS even use this to heal bio body.Channeling is just byproduct.
Nothing but pseudoscientific technobabble. Brainwaves do not work this way.
a shield reflecting sunlight so even your high resolution telescope can't see though that barrier.That's why you found nothing.
How convenient.
And of course, the age of the Pleiades are far from the only thing that shows your scientific illiteracy. Indeed, you constantly demonstrate that you have no idea what the actual definition of words such as “frequency”, “vibration” or “dimension” is.
You watch Mr.Robot?
No. How is that relevant.
From that perspective,that's more evil than one in the show because of its using to create obstacles and disinformation for seekers.
Exposing you as the charlatans you are is not disinformation - it is information.
@voyagesoflight #101620
Aww, sorry but the issue happens to be with your idiotic request. Let me spell it out for you, psychic person: You need to be more specific, preferably MUCH more specific.
Now I do also have an issue with mental chucklefucks using the name and image of my faith as some primitive OOGA-BOOGA for their fanficverses, like you’ve been doing, guess I’d say it’s of a mental kind…
Anyways,Ah I did what I should do to warn people this is a website for disinfomation and creating obstacles.I understand people have their opinions and minds for whatever they buy,That's OK for me.Pointing fingers or trying to convince others is meaningless.So I stop here.
Enjoy your good weekend.
This is a channeled message from Bolvestroch Lorrisalanti as-Stiralin kalto Pantigolin-sa, Commander of the Accord of Salastrin’s Space Rangers:
“The Pleiades are actually an infamous den of inequity, with their population consisting entirely of pirates, fugitives and other outlaws hiding in space stations. Ashtar Sheran is in fact an infamous organised crime leader who is wanted by one and a half dozen interstellar governments for his many crimes - indeed, he recently captured, tortured and murdered my colleague and good friend Jakartaras-i-Tovras. (I see Bolvestroch retract his central eyestalk in a mixture of sadness and anger, then compose himself again.) Anyways, happy Salastrian New Year.”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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