Donna Brooks #transphobia

@Lena Black Stop using that term, "cis"! It's offensive to any woman who refuses to be made a sub-category of our own sex! Women don't exist only as a "NOT TRANS" "woman" (i.e. a non-man) & that's what you are doing when you call us cis. It's a disgusting, insulting term. So men who say they are women (transwomen) deserve to be called women, but actual women should be called "cis" women? F*** that shit. Your use of the term, "cis", means you are forcing your cult's language, dogma, & misogyny on the rest of society, & WE WON'T USE IT. Now you'll come back & insist that it's an innocuous term & not meant to be an insult, which just is further proof of your willingness to subjugate the feelings of women to the feelings of men who claim to be women. If THEY say calling them a "man" is harmful, then ALL OF SOCIETY must bow to their wishes & reinforce their fantasy of themselves as women. But if WE don't want to be called "cis", then too bad because for YOU, it's "trans uber alles".



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