Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut
(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Under Trump, we had a secure border.
Under Biden, we have practically no border.
@DrPaulGosar Trump let them install the NWO - why would we want someone so weak to run this country again
@DrPaulGosar under Trump you had an Israel-first anti-White Platinum Planner, with no intention of having the USA Freedom Act (née Patriot) abolished. How, congressman, does more Trump change any of this?
I will never vote again.
Because both parties support Federally mandated integration.
And then you claim to be against mandates.
@DrPaulGosar under Trump, Whites were still persecuted and becoming a minority in our own homeland. Republicans are like democrats, but slower.
@Scipio-Africanus @DrPaulGosar it's a one-party system masquerading as a two-party system. You don't get "elected" into office unless you make a pledge of loyalty to israel. And by loyalty to Israel that means loyalty to Israel above america.
@DrPaulGosar Where has the Republican Party been? They had plenty of opportunities to secure the border, remove illegals, and ban illegals from jobs and housing--you know, all the basic things that banana republics do to non-citizens. Perhaps we should convince the Republican Party that illegals are white supremacists with assault weapons, that might put a fire under the Republicans to do something.
@DrPaulGosar Not gonna happen the way Republicans are going. Look at the theft in Brazil. Coming to 2022 midterms. I hope you guys have a plan because people are tired of voting when voting gets stolen.