Ruthless, Archangel & Gladiatrix #homophobia #racist
RE: Spanish woman beats her black wife to death
Sodomites are violent. All sodomites have higher levels of domestic violence when compared to heterosexuals. Unfortunately many decide to become teachers in an effort to spread their insanity. This is why sodomites used to be locked in asylums. To protect children and society from their perversions.
Women can't have wives. The heading should be "Freak kills another freak."
There is a higher percentage of freaks amongst non-whites even though the media keeps using white males as the poster child for sodomites. I would've made the headline "Sodomite mestiza violently murders sodomite negress"
When the 'Gay Rights' agenda was being pushed in the early 70's, 'accelerated' degrees were granted to those willing to become teachers and push that pernicious agenda. This 'legitimizing of homosexuality' has not happened by accident. It's the results of Jewish social engineers and their work.
At the time I knew some who skipped two or more years of college by signing up to be part of that program.
It's true domestic violence is higher among homosexuals, the damages done, especially between male homosexuals is often far greater than between heterosexual couples. In this case the violence went to ultimate levels. I've seen Lesbian couples, where the the one playing the male role is absolutely brutally controlling, as in 'do it my way or you'll be beaten up when we get home'. It's a sad and ugly thing, really. Nothing to be proud of.
So now beaners are "Spanish?"
I thought everybody knew dykes have the highest rate of domestic violence.
Around Hispanics, always know they panic, turn manic.
Once you go Hispanic, Mom and Dad start to panic.
Because they steal.