Steve Kelley #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut
"The Getty is an Ark for royalty and art," explains Kelley. "Unlike most of the the 250-odd other metropolitans under the continental United States, it lacks pretext for military-grade security. Issues like 'national security' or 'continuity of government' have no relevance there. Unlike a Dulce or Area 51, it is completely approachable. If we occupy it peacefully, there is no way they can justify a violent response."
On the flip side - as intimated in the Protocols - the Getty is designed to deal with violent intruders in a doomsday scenario. Presumably, the proverbial red button blinks somewhere within its bowels. The museum's architecture has bizarre features that start to make sense if we view it as a de facto fortress.
At first glance, the claim that an art museum is actually a fortress guarding an underground pleasure palace and satanic temple might seem far-fetched. Yet we know that orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in "elite" culture. Plenty has also come to light regarding underground facilities, as well as the technology needed to create them.
Now he is launching #OccupyTheGetty, a call for real world patriots - unlike the actors in Oregon - to take a stand that is at once peaceful and strategically intelligent. He is calling for an occupation of the museum's main entrance area. Unlike the fractious bitching of the Occupy Wall St. movement, #OccupyTheGetty activists must stick to one unwavering demand: FREE THE CHILDREN. What children? THE CHILDREN HELD CAPTIVE UNDER THIS MUSEUM. The goal is to get public attention focused on the Getty, generating pressure on the museum to disprove the claim.