various commenters #wingnut

This woman is deranged.

“Fool people” from the side that opposed mandatory sonograms because roughly 80% of women change their minds when they see what their “clump of cells” actually looks like.

Totally unlike the completely neutral and non-manipulative tactics of planned parenthood where they dress up a liberal arts major in a white lab coat, clipboard, and call their abortion salesman a ‘counselor.’

PP will tell her they hold the solution to her burdensome problem.

The pregnancy center will show and remind her that she doesn’t have a problem, she has a new family member and they will join her in support and celebration of that, because no one should have to go through pregnancy alone.

The crazed, demented eyes of one who loves the murder of children.

Totalitarian reflexes cause the urge to shut down everything we disagree with.

I was concerned that RvW being overturned would result in a blue wave of enormous proportions. But the wild inhumanity on full display, attacking crisis pregnancy centers, may end up having the opposite effect at the polls. I think it's a fairly small subset of self-described pro-choice people who think women hoping for a path to keep a child should be denied that choice via shutting down the places there to help them.

That's because she wan children to be killed in the womb (anti-natalism) she is not actually in favor of bodily autonomy. She want to push women to have abortions, more is better in her mind.

it's curious how they NEVER speak about what an actual abortion is. so many speaking points all so disconnected from the actual act that is killing an unborn child, because there are no speaking points to counter that.

Earliest delivery so far is 21 weeks, that kid is out there living his life. In my country abortion is legal for any reason upto 24 weeks, beyond that, just say you're depressed about being pregnant, doctor shop until one says okay, terminate.

Crisis pregnancy centers are a distraction, it all is from the above.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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