pornoddio #sexist #dunning-kruger

RE: Redpillers can't deal with any topic they discuss.

I forgot to add one thing. If you just want to hate foids online, well, in this field we incels excel. Redpillers can't even hate foids properly because of their massive ignorance. So, if you want to do the following activities ask an incel:

- Coping. Incels are experts in coping behavior. An incel can cope with advanced coping patterns such as vector coping. Redpilers can't cope for shit, they break their minds same moment they encounter a glimpse of blackpill. Instead incels cope majestically with the hardest hitting blackpills and still have the courage to learn new blackpills.

- Hating foids. Incels are the excellence in this field. Incels are hERoes like Cho Seung Hui, Lepine, ER. PUAs only have Sodini, a lowlevel clown that was simply pissed off like the most average of the normies.

- Social analysis and innovation of social sciences => Incels are top tier grade in this field. The incel understanding of the world is vastly superior to redpill theories.

- Hentai and creativity => Incels DOMINATE this field. A redpiller wouldn't even know where to start to do degenerate hentai. He's too common, plain, stupid. Incels rule even here.



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