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Bombshell: The antiChrist Has Arrived! Find Out Who Is Going To Rule The World! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beasts 666 Per Revelation 13!

The Main antiChrist “The Big Dicktator” Is Here! Antonio Guterres at the Luciferian UN is the main antiChrist that will be the one world Dicktator that will run the One World Government for the Jew NWO. He is referred to as the Little Horn in Daniel 7 and the Beast That Comes Out Of the Sea In Rev.13. Dope Francis is the Beast that comes out of the earth as he is the false prophet.

Note that Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Kill Bill is a German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew. These 3 “dicks” are all fallen angels and super evil and they want all non Jews dead. Some Jews may be sacrificed just like in WW2 to achieve the Jewish objective of taking control of the entire world and making everyone else their slave who manage to survive their kill shots / Covid 19 vaccines/ Covid 19 tests / flu shots / quantum dot tattoos / Neuralink which are all Marks of the Beast plus the food shortages and nuclear war. The Jews are the Satanic Serpent seedline from Satan’s rape of Eve and are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, King Jesus, and His Holy Seed, the white race which are the Tribes of Jacob, and all Christians grafted in. See Genesis 3:15 and John 8:44-47 and links below for more info. Adolf Hitler and Joseph “Rabbi” Goebbels were the First Two Beasts of the Sea and the Earth respectively in WW2 and were both Jews.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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