Various commenters #wingnut #racist
If all of Hitler’s advisers were jewish then maybe you could compare Joe Biden to him.
@Wehrmacht dictators are dictators… communist, fascist… no difference..
@Jokera @Wehrmacht Calling a jewish communist administration a bunch of nazis is fucking retarded.
@Jokera this is the problem with the typical weak minded conservative. They hate what is happening to their homeland, but they would rather see their nation burn as their race goes extinct than to sieze power and use it to push their will and dominate their enemies.
They think their enemies play by the same rules they do, but they don't. @Wehrmachtimg]
@Wehrmacht HITLER MURDERED 15 million in the camps 6 million were jewish then at the End of WW2 USA Took in 1500 Nazi SS and Soros the Nazi collaberator! then THEY All formed the WEF in recent times a weird mix of Nazis fake banker jews and cultural marxists and Communists ELITE GLOBALISTS and They have a Manifesto hence why we are where we are Today a Long Planned CULL of the Poor and up to Middle Class........GOD BLESS US ALL 777
@Wehrmacht Hitler fought to the death against these anti-Christ entities that now enslave us.
Hitler was a Rothschild bastard
@Wehrmacht FACT!
People who don’t understand this are infuriating!
People using the terms Hitler, Nazis, Fascists, to define the Biden regime and all of the globohomo tyrants currently “running” countries around the world are actually helping them continue the revisionist history, false fake narratives, and bullshit propaganda that has been intentionally jammed down our throats forever! People are actually helping this vile, evil, shit continue and are assisting the true puppet masters in their mission.