Various TERFs #transphobia
RE: Child notices that the Emporer has no clothes (says her Dad will never be a real girl)
They shouldn’t be sharing their fetishes with children. These men shouldn’t be allowed around children.
Yep, especially considering how most TIMs are pedophiles.
Users here say “feminists aren’t advocating for trans people to be harmed or lose their jobs or whatever” and most are not, but I absolutely want all male “transitioners” to be removed from society. They are all fetishists, all dangerous to women and most of them are, as you said, paedophiles. Parading a fetish should be cause for dismissal or not hiring and it should mean never being allowed near children again.
Same!!! Totally agree with you.
That recent Supreme Court decision about employers not being allowed to fire people for being trans is bullshit. Especially since the case involved a TIM being fired from a funeral home because he wanted to wear women’s dresses and heels there. That’s the last thing people need/want to see while mourning, & the people had every right to fire his ass. Now TIMs can get away with anything they want, basically.
“TIM” + “funeral home” = “necrophiliac waiting for his opportunity” in my book.
There is no field they should be allowed into, or to remain in, imo.
Same goes for all rapists and pedophiles, and any male degenerates in general. Add porn addicts and misogynists to that list, too. None are fit for society.
Exactly. They belong in solitary confinement. No internet, either.