Well, all you have to do is vote Democrat next time. It’s clearly going tits up for Trumptards when prices are still going up. ’It’s The Economy, Stupid’ is the first priority for all politicians in power. But then, that’s the last thing on Don Old Fart’s mind: what’s left of it, anyway.
Trumpo’s ball glazer Nige FaRAGE has a skewed set of priorities with the way (Un)Reform(ed) is in chaos right now. But hey, what do I know? They might think they’re the ‘alternative’ to the Conservatives right now, but it didn’t work for them with Bozo the Clown five years ago right up to 4th July last year. But hey II, I do know what: I voted Labour.
And with their 400+ seat majority, so much for ‘Populism’.
With Sir Keir Starmer - the diametric opposite to Bozo & Trumpo - that concept is dead here in Britain. Hopefully the midterms will ensure the same happens there. The concept of ‘Populism’ deserves to die.
But hey III, what do I know: there are more LGBT MPs in Parliament than ever: Labour ones.
So many more straight voters like me know the benefits of politicians who aren’t exactly like us know that the priority is having such who can simply do a good job in their elected positions.
That’s precisely why so-called ‘Populism’ has struck out: it certainly has in my country. So what if those we vote for are of a different sexuality? Those straight people who elected them to the Palace of Westminster have demonstrated to those who think otherwise - when those same MPs are returned there next time - will have their bigoted opinions proved wrong.
So much for yours, Steven Arse.