[Serious] I treat female patients worse as a doctor
It disgusts me when I have to provide medical care to a foid. As a med school student in training, I make sure that I do everything legally possible to provide inadequate care for my female patients. It is absolutely disgusting to treat foids who have STDs or are pregnant. I have gotten negative reviews and it will affect my med school grades but I value my dignity more.
So being an asshole is more dignified than treating women the way they want to be treated (the way they REALLY want to be treated, not
that Chad nonsense)? If anyone needs medical assistance, it's *you*.
Brilliant decision to advertise that, “doctor”. Now you’ve opened yourself up to multiple malpractice lawsuits, & if you don’t believe for one second that women don’t google potential medical care providers, you’re as stupid as Pig Vomit.
We all know that he places far more value on his material possessions, bragging rights & status than mistreating his female patients. If this were to come back & bite him in his tiny shriveled ball sack, he’d drop like plummeting space debris & start wailing false apologies. Assuming this is true, of course.
Can you say 'Malpractice Suit', OP...?!
...because when that happens - as it inevitably will - and this little revelation is used against you in said hearing, the fact you can kiss goodbye to your insurance - never mind the consequences of said hearing going against you in terms of your future medical career - will be the least of your problems, OP.
...or you're just part of the 'Oh, this is what I'll do to teh nasty ebil wimmenz' circlejerk so prevalent in manbaby 'forums' as an 'I can outdo you ' re. revenge fantasies, that I'll take 'Shit That Never Happened' for $400, Alex.
And therefore your 'revenge' will never happen.
If you’re a doctor then I see a barrage of incoming malpractice suits. It’ll be glorious!
Otherwise, like the awesome Mooseasaurus Rex said here, “Shit That Never Happened' for $400, Alex”!
My aunt is a well known neurosurgeon in my country, even though she tends to work abroad. She was featured in the news on a few occasions (once for her breakthrough work in treating Tourette’s symptoms), and as of a week ago, has actually been officially knighted. No, seriously. She’s also a very supportive and kind person who has helped me a lot with my issues by using her connections to get me in touch with decent professionals.
Why am I saying this? Just to rub it in that a woman has gotten much further into the profession by just being a decent human being than you’ll ever get in your wildest dreams. Have fun, scum.
Why the heck do you want to be a doctor, if half the human population disgusts you so much?
Refraing from using your knowledge and skills, deliberately doing a poor job, is the very opposite of dignity, nincompoop.
Why not at least become a doctor for male diseases, like a urologist or specialist on prostates?
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